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our irresponsible queer culture lubricant, not water soluble, totally irrisponsible, but superhorny queercult lubricantviolating all Fuckbook terms
a counterweight fighting the pathetic normality that the current young homo nerd generation wants us all to fit in,if only !
fortunately there are some critical dirty old men left who feel the suit-and-tie normalos are 'spoiling it for us pervs'and hinder our 'sexual rebelclub'
take it from "the dirty old grandfather of vitriolic queer culture reviews"it will move your ass more substantially than twink dickies will ever be able to
For Delft viewers: this page is off limits to discriminating under 28 fake faggots.they're welcome when they grow up and stop discriminating
Why so much sex? because it is the only thing we homos are creative in, excell at,and do not want it hidden under a normalo marital duvet
Posts are qued and drip-fed daily.Want something of yours removed, message me and it shall be done! (also possible via BDSMLR)
Mind you, I'm an over-aged un-compromising PRrr man (public rrelations prrrson) meaning I mostly only get recognition from anarchist pigs
Sex obsessed, depraved, one track minded, irrepressible ? Fine!Why is it that heterosexuals never feel that way about themselves?

26-7-'24 a Paris
Daley is one of the few participants I'll be watching: there could be so much more interesting stiff stuff in the origfinal Greek tradition: hear all about Daley's cocksocks or willywarmers :
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25-7-'24 1st pride weekend A'dam
With Amsterdam Pride, there's an exposition about Queer & Pride art at the Stedelijk Museum A'dam. DWH AA is organizing a group visit to the museum.
The expositions contain some of the works from Keith haring, Felix de Rooy, Andy Warhol, Anneke van der Veer, Marlow Moss, Nicolaas Warb and many more! Come to discover how gender, sexuality and queerness play a changing role in art over the years. DWH will be travelling as group from Delft CS on Sunday July 28th.
(yes, trains resume this sunday) Marc DeBauch is excited to be exhibiting: with Henning von Berg, Lars Deike and Ivan Bubentcov along with 40 other talented LGBTQ artists in The Pride Art Berlin exhibition! It's free entry, Söhtstr. 7, 12203 Berlin July 18,20,21 26, 27, 28. Ton's body Jewels are on show on friday and saturday 13-18u at MAI gallery, Geldersekade 30 Amsterdam click: meanwhile in San Francisco: with Josh Katz : and : and Rockwell inspired Oscar Zamora Graves : meanwhile, this sunday the BBC series Lost Boys and Fairies will start shoewing on Dutch Public TV, npo 3, 22.15-23.20 :
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24-7-'24 fillum
at the DWH faggot movie screen, Lange Geer 22 Delft, 20u45, free entry : there's also a remastered Taxi zum Klo: here's a vintage tune by Scott Joplin that got popular in 1974 through the movie 'The Sting' with Robert Redford, who I got quite a crush on back then. He went on to initate the Sundance festival, that was the launchpad of many a faggot movie over the years.
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22-7-'24 monday cuntry music mayhem
click for vid: "spunk covered by a hunk" : Orville Peck's cover (and duet) of the legendary Willy Nelson song :
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21-7-'24 sunday worship
from Frank Xarate's La Boca Del Desierto
which was a one evening special at Tom House LA on the 18th July, so last friday: "Since time immemorial, women have been seen and depicted as objects in art. The mythologies and later, in the Baroque period, stories from the Bible were the allibi for men to negotiate the object of desire in its nakedness. Greek art, however, in ancient time, and thus Roman art too, negotiated nudity equally for both sexes".
"while Diesel was really doing it for ages, for most other brands it remains "if only The flood of known paintings of men by men neglects the organ that defines him when he is depicted naked"
"Only in recent times, when prudery has fallen (and a new one appears on the horizon again), has the man also become the object of desire, specifically and gratefully taken up by the advertising industry in order to bring the product to be advertised to men and women. On the other hand, proudly swollen pants on handsome men, sometimes even a naked man, are no longer a rarity. Abercromby & Fitch played perfectly with the lust for men towards men." ©: factoryfanzine
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19-7-'24 Xtra
Walking to my wednesday tech and lights maintenance job at Vermeer Center Delft, I crossed a really nice youth orchestra, doing classical works but also this song by Marc Ronson and Bruno Mars:
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18-7-'24 weekend
At Gallery MAI, Geldersekade 30 Amsterdam, Ton of Holland invites us to his morning vernissage on 20 july, 11.00 AM here's a clip from the previous version of this exhib at Rademakers Galery in den Haag: meanwhile saturdaynight, bring your speedos,
or hot nudy outfit to Lange Geer 22 to dive in the pool, from 22u:
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17-7-'24 fillum
recent 2024 fag films to watch.
but this wednesday at our faggot movie room at DWH, Lange Geer 22 Delft 20u45 free entry: also on our wishlist, a new BBC series :
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16-7-'24 read
Read about the true history of faggot pride Amsterdam through the words of Steve Malenka, one of the true pioneers.
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15-7-'24 pridish monday music
We haven't seen her perform for almost twenty years, but it will happen during the Milkshake and Pride Amsterdam festivals: Vanessa (also known as Connie Witteman) is back! "It seems like faggots understand better how to enjoy life."
"I already performed during Pride in 2005 with the version of 'Upside Down' from 1982. We recently heard the old hits from the 80s with a modern beat. That sounded cool! So we decided to re-record three songs: 'Upside Down', 'Dynamite' and 'Cheerio'. In the studio within two hours all three were done. At the same pitch as in 1982! I never expected that, because I'm really hoarse. "I often think straight people smell like Brussels sprouts, if you know what I mean.
Before I had kids, I always said I wanted a gay son with curly hair; it worked! "
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14-7-'24 sunday worshit
When fascism surfaced in America, the GOP denied it was that
and claimed it was just Conservative Christianity. read : read more en Français :
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11-7-'24 weather
My front desk colleage at Vermeer Center Delft lives in the appartment building across the Schie canal, right opposite my home: From my windows I cannot see over that building, but she was able to capture the threatening summerstorm skies abouve our city center from hers: because of the abismal summer sofar, the heartwarming summer art page has been updated with some images by Russian art buddy Ivan Bubentcov
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10-7-'24 weekend
this sunday afternoon,
another chance to immerse yourself in delicious liquids at de Boss fetishbar den Haag even though it's been my fav sunday event for years, due to my current health situation, I will not be there this time.
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9-7-'24 fillum
at our cozy faggot theater during this football overkoaded week, we have a classic: starts 20u45 and free entry al Lange Geer 22 Delft.
and you may remember this movy has a delicious soundtrack as well: you might also want to know thw original cast is working on a sequel: as many have seen this classic film earlier,
I added an 55 min. vidchat of Bruce LaBruce and Gustavo Vinagre: besides this interview (in vid or text),
there's much more to enjoy about explicit faggot film in Queer Majority magazine:
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9-7-'24 genoeg !
feel so priviiledged to never have been part of the footbal Gorrilla community,
but I do feel proudly outspoken Dutch! and pervert: and Joan Rivers, when she wasn't dead yet: JoanRivers another long term survivor, Jerney Kaagman turns 77 on today. Therefore, by popular request, the repeat of Spotlight on Earth & Fire, from 10 p.m. on 192TV.
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8-7-'24 monday musick

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7-7-'24 worship

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5-7-'24 lack of summer
when do we need hot inspiring faggot summer imagery most ? Not when we're basking in the sun ourselves, but on a wet windy cold weekend like this. So let's escape to our summer gallery:
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4-7-'24 weekend
friday at DWH the old farts bar night: this saturday our local hero Jeroen Manders is singing his way through the Delft canals: Find him under Duo Heer Halewijn:
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3-7-'24 fillum
this wednesday, july 3rd at our faggot theater, Lange Geer 22 Delft, 20u45, free entry: plus 3 shorts from Boys on Film 23:
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2-7-'24 Pijpelijntjes
Sadly our greatest gay pioneer writer, whose poetry is cast in pink marble at our Amsterdam homomonument, is not only claimed by the Dutch gays, but also by the Jewish community, who rather than recognise de Haan's inclusivity, rather, to this day keep arguing about his zionist or pro palestinian convictions. Anything but come to terms woith the fact he was an out-proud uncompromising faggot.
Last saturday, the exact 100th anniversary of his assasination in what is now Israel, some fragments from Jacob Israël de Haan's Pijpelijntjes were read very impressively. I feel, the most touching, and deliciously erotic part of the novel is told in the fragment of the meeting of Sam with businesboy Koos, from 6m26s:
" Koos stood in the doorway, shivering with his hands in his pocket.
"So, why are you standing here?"
"They wouldn't let me in because you weren't home."
"Oh, that's good... but come along"
I also lit the large lamp in the room, now I could see him clearly.
What was he beautiful and wonderfully beautiful. . .
his eyes flashed golden-light brown. I put the jug on the table,
I lay down on the sofa, trembling weakly, my voice fading.
'Did you do it right?'
"Yes, sir."
'Very good?'
"Yes sir, shall I undress?"
'Yes that is good.'
He quickly undressed... his jacket, his vest... his shirt, his shirt. Brown beautiful
naked exposed his chest with a fine reflection of lamplight and slowly enjoying it
I looked at it. His neck was straight and shadowless below the collarbone.
"Is it okay?"
'So far, so take off the rest.'
He took off his shoes, his stockings, kicked off his tops, the thick brown
underpants. Now I saw him completely in a tingling haze of golden-brown joy.
"Move out of the light... like this, a little more to the right."
He stood still in the unmoving shadow and I looked at him... what a beautiful boy...
how slim and strong-muscled he was. My breath was hot and I was standing violently
desire to take him and kiss him, everywhere.
'Koos, come here.' "Yes, sir."
But I regained my cool composure towards the purchased boy when I calmed down said:
"It's okay, I thought I saw a dirty spot."
He stood, trembling softly, in the black lampshade.
'Just sit down and if you want to drink, you can drink... put on that white cloth
I just want you to smell good and then you will stink too.'
Lit strangely white, he sat by the table in bright gold lighting and drank.
In the meantime we talked a bit.
"What do you do with the money?"
"I don't know yet... I'll give it to my girl."
"So you have a girl... certainly a different one every night."
"No sir, I've had the same one for more than a year now, we might get married soon."
'Okay, it's okay... just drink something, you still have half an hour to drink,
but then it has to be over.'
Slowly he drank himself more drunk, and the golden glow of his became more beautiful
eyes that glittered strangely wide and hazily, but then gleamed tightly into one
drunkenness. His slender body trembled under the white cloth, which lay lightly folded along him
fell off. Finally he stopped drinking and let his arm hang limply. It was time.
I quietly went over to him and let him stand up.
Warm white gin scent was pleasant from his mouth.
Then beautifully dark bronzed,
I laid him on the sofa and tossed the white cloth away from him. "
You can find the full book PDF in Dutch here.
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1-7-'24 monday music mayhem
starting with my downstairs neighbour (benendenbuuf) clip from his visit to Troye Sivan in Amsterdam: the sunday afternoon Glast Piramid main stage act yesterday was : still a great fan of above Robert Palmer parody
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30-6-'24 sunday worship
not sure if this Delft church I pass every day is advocating the right kind of children's love we keep up the july tradition from the old website, with hot summer/beach imagery, and we already made a nice start:
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28-6-'24 weekend
it's veterans day this saturday at Malieveld in den Haag: and it's certainly not just pensioners on parade there meanwhile, all this weekend: Grastonbury: not much to my liking, but still a bit interested in: or somebody from my generation? he's the last dj that I still find 'interesting', so, like me, you problably would love a recent full set : the only main stage act worth watching:
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27-6-'24 Cucumber Pride
It was a lustrum edition so a good reason to share the boat parade that has been passing our Delft house for the past 25 years, and more of a joy for us camp lovers then the woke-divided/destroyed Amsterdam Canalpride of recent years !
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26-6-'24 fillum
this wednesday 20u45 at our tasty faggot movieroom, Lange Geer 22 Delft, free entry: last week's book signing:
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24-6-'24 monday music mayhem
starting with clips from this weekend's Pinkpop sadly he didn't stick to the official kilt wear tradition (nothing underneath)
Oor : this is from last year's Lowlands. Since he's a legend as the 1st disqualified from the &Euro;urovision song contest: still got some footage from the Pinkpop show, with English comentary: and here's Raven van Dorst's band Dool: but my fav remains Sam : (not the Pinkpop show, but same playlist in Chile 2 months ago)
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23-6-'24 some real sunday worhit
wishful thinking at Voldersgracht Delft.
Jos sent me a few pix as solace:
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22-6-'24 new Dutch govt. formation
how to form a governement, according to Jacobse & van Es:
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21-6-'24 weekend
sunday june 23 its Varend Corso, aka. Cucumber Pride again in front of our house at de Schie waterfront, and it looks like the weather is nice, for a change,
so you're welcome to watch the boys of Wesstland sailing and danncing past, while enjoying a glas of rosé
from around 15u30 till 17u
but do wear sunscreen: it's the longest day and sun force is 8 ! also this weekend: pinkpop !
with sunday 23 JUNI | 20:25 - 21:55 | North stage : and friday 21 June | 17:20 - 18:20 | South Stage | Yungblud :
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20-6-'24 in de lappenmand (being poorly):
R.I.P. Jan Cremer: spending lots of time on the couch,
waiting for my apointment for the MDL (stomach, gut, liver) examination date. pulling through with the incredibly detailed, no-stone-untouhed, completely honest, heartwarming, gutwrenching, 686 high density pages of "de bolle Theo"
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19-6-'24 fillum
this wednesday at our faggot movie room @ DWH, Lange Geer 22u, 20u45, free entry: Got another clip done about this month's Berlin erotic art festival: an impression of the overwhelming size of the Berghain Halle, and how it is indeed the most fitting venue to experience the diverse art that is inspired by Tom of Finland's pioneer ouvre: How cool is that ??? TheTom & Diesel 2024 Pride capsule collection featuring a selection of Stuart's Polaroids is now available in select Diesel stores and online :
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17-6-'24 monday music maythem
Dutch National Soccer Team coach in drag : will we be walking in the rain all summer or is there a rainbow at the end of this ?
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16-6-'24 sunday worship
In the event of a defeat in Ukraine, Russia's number 1 has everything planned to flee the country. Some detailed escape routes were revealed by the Daily Mail a few weeks ago, and now appear to be becoming increasingly realistic thanks to the help of NATO weapons.
"Noah's Ark" is Putin's plan to flee to Venezuela if he loses the war in Ukraine. A likely destination, given Putin's good relationship with Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro.
The Daily Mail also points to Syria as a possible host country for Putin's exile. Plan C, if the Syrian plan is not feasible, the other option could be Iran. and claims that Russian intelligence services have already spoken and negotiated with Iran about the details of Putin's escape plan. Spoilt Brats : but shit tolerant !
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15-6-'24 weekend
Ton hosts at Mai Gallery Geldersekade, friday 14th and saturday 15st: but next week : See CLIP
A special premiere concert will take place on Friday, June 14 at 8:00 PM in the Uilenburger Sjoel,
Nieuwe Uilenburgerstraat 91, Amsterdam. One time, don't miss it! Also on June 14 in the Uilenburgersjoel, 3:30 PM - 8:00 PM: queer Orthodox inspirations, round table discussion, queer Jewish buffet.
The premiere of the song cycle "God or the Knaap" by Ron Mesland will be performed, based on the Quatrains by Jacob Israel de Haan. The young counter-tenor Simon Heerze is accompanied by top pianist Hans Schellevis. The evening is called "The Rooster and The Jewish Song" because the Canadian cantor and soprano Sharon Azrieli will present a program of Jewish songs after the break and will discuss this subject. Presentation / organization: opera director Hans Nieuwenhuis. note: the performance at Roode Bioskoop on tuesday june 25 is free entry ! there's now also a printed Pathologies in English. (my illustrated online version is here!
in L.A. :
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14-6-'24 currently reading
The phenomenal biography 'De bolle Gogh' about Theo van Gogh written by Jaap Cohen is available in the 'racism' department at the Scheltema bookstore in Amsterdam. In addition to 'gender studies' and 'feminism'. What idiot came up with that! Theodor Holman
de bolle gogh loved this long read, thouroughly researched and Theo was one of the real uncompromising heroes, that I know only exist very rarely, like his grand-grand uncle Vincent, Arthur Rimbaud, Jacob Israël de Haan and, obviously, my personal heros Martin and my home buddy Jos.
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13-6-'24 subsequent Berghain
Finally got some editing done on Tom's artists in residence lineup at Berghain: yes, I know , that Tom drawing is displayed far too often with the boots cut off: so much to enjoy at the Berghain Tom festival, not just the artist , Durk and Richy,
it's most of all the art : for all ages: and yes, the Martin Brown Book is still available:
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12-6-'24 fillum
12 june 20u45 at our cozy pervy movie room at Lange Geer 22 Delft, free entry : click for clip:
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11-6-'24 read
and fight the NL plan to raise VATon books to 21 % With the new Dutch sexual crimes act, consent becomes leading. According to our guest this week, social scientist Linda Duits, the legislator seems to ignore the fact that sex is a long and messy process. That's what this metaphor also states, according to her: "It assumes that sex is a product that you consume in one go."
The reality is often much more complex. Consent is not static and can change. For example, someone may change their mind in the middle of an action. This dynamic is not well reflected in the metaphor of a cup of tea, and as above Butt cover shows, it can get even messier, with faggots in SM or scat sessions. Gemma Rolls-Bentley, who I met at the 2 Tom of Finland festivals in London, (where she gave me the "glockenspiel" drawing shown at 00:19)
joined the Acquisitions Board at the Leslie Lohman Museum of Art ! She also produced the Queer Art, from canvas to club and the space between book. Which, amazingly, also got a release in Dutch: here's her book promo tour scedule:
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10-6-'24 monday music mayhem
(ultrafaud edition)

img src=

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9-6-'24 sunday worship
the blind insanity of gay students for palestine: Met Lukasz in Berghain, together with many past, present and future artists in residence. holy shit !
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7-6-'24 Xtra Berghain
Still working on a video edit, butt meanwhile some more pix: click below image for foto montage:
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Where's the delftboys faggot art? For now still at :
a big change here since april: our old URL,, went offline . but a new faggot art selection is already building up right here, at art'24,
as will also fall in the fall, you still have some months to peruse the db/queerart masterclass-content.
yours, in sodomy . . .
delft skies anno 1660

with homo-erotic art, no less

Queer culture
without cock and balls ?

That's called CASTRATION !
why do that to yourselves?

Invoking 'god'
is merely an attempt to
avoid clear and critical thinking and
to abrogate personal responsibility
for one's own choices;
It's the ultimate retreat
of the intellectually lazy.
It also provides
an unfortunate comparsion
with the sorts of
theocratic regimes abroad
of which we are rightly critical.

my religion: priapism! politically correct
is the most dangerous infection,
first symptoms:
blocking creativity,
spontaneity, candour,
vigilance, economic renewal
and is spreading like wildfire
in the gaiii community and
it's more contageous
then any STD!

a devious mind
is a terrible thing to waste

Goodness, gracious,
great turds of fire!
Marc Martin
Pigs get fed
love of my life

to archived pages,
months 3 & 4 '24
months 5 & 6 '24